Purrr – functions on vectors and lists
The Purrr library is a function programming toolkit for working with functions, vectors, and lists that makes it easy to avoid loops.
Let’s begin our exploration of this library by initializing it:
Create a list x with 100 elements:
x = as.list(runif(100,1,100))
Using the map function, we will implement an arbitrary function for each element of the list. For example, to check if a given element is greater than 7:
map(x,function(x) x > 7)
Let us now create another list y:
y = as.list(runif(100,1,100))
Given two lists of the same size, we can sum the corresponding elements using the map2 function:
With pmap we can implement any function on any number of lists or vectors:
z = as.list(runif(100,1,100))
pmap(list(x,y,z),function(x,y,z) sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2))
The purrr library has many tools to quickly filter lists and vectors. Let’s first write a function func that returns a boolean value if x is greater than 20:
func = function(x) x > 20
We use the keep function to select the elements of the list that satisfy the expression in the function:
We achieve the opposite effect with the discard function:
The head_while function returns all the first elements of the list that satisfy the expression:
head_while(x, func)
To check if all elements of the list satisfy the expression, every is used:
every(x, func)
Some checks if any of the elements satisfy the expression:
[1] TRUE
Has_element can be used to check whether a list contains a particular element:
n = c("ibm","asus","acer","microsoft")
[1] TRUE
Use the detect function to return the first value from the list that satisfies the expression:
func = function(x) x < 20
[1] 14.75841
We can also return just the index of that list element with detect_index:
[1] 5
To concatenate lists, we use append and prepend. The difference between them is that the order of the concatenated elements is reversed:
Given a multidimensional list:
l = list(list(1,2,3),list(4,5),list(5))
We can simplify it to one-dimensional using flatten:
Or transpose:
The library presented today is a powerful toolbox to work with functional programming on vectors and lists. We have presented only a few of the most interesting applications. For more, you’ll have to consult the documentation 🙂